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Saturday 17 July 2010


Hey all! Sorry for the month and a week's worth of delay, things got a little hectic (what with interviews, sorting out second stage interviews, auditions, script-readings and my girlfriend training for and starting her new job). Anyhow, I haven't really had all that much time for painting and the little bit that I did do, I haven't had time to take pictures of in daylight. So, without further ado, I have painted 8 more Easterlings (2 with spears, 2 with swords and 4 archers). As you can probably see, I haven't finished tidying them up (I did the last few bits at night and I was tired and I'd just finished gluing them after clipping them off from the frame: long story summarised, I have to paint over bits of grey plastic and sloppiness of not keeping "in the lines") and haven't done the bases. In all actuality, I've not even glued them into the bases yet :P

Anyhow, I do have some great news! I am the VERY proud and lucky owner of an eBay bid for nothing more than 4 Easterlings with sears (plastic). Why am I so pleased? Because the spearmen are always needed in larger quantities than the swordsmen and bowmen (archers are at 33% limit in SBG too!) because they allow an extra two attacks if enough are there (for SBG) or are just simply better, ignoring charge dice and giving +1F (in WotR) for 5 points! Plus, I've never seen them getting sold without being in a larger bunch of models and usually there's only one or two anyway.

As a quick note, I did tally up the models that I own (although I need to add 4 to the spearmen now, lol) and how many I needed, then worked out how many more I need. Annoyingly, when my girlfriend tidied the bedroom (whilst I was out for 11 hours to do a script reading), I ended up losing track of where I'd put it, heh. Oh well, I know that I now have 20 spearmen and a few more than that of archers and swordsmen each, as well as 5 Easterling Kataphrakts (which I forgot I'd won!), which need stripping and spraying and building. Still, I know that I need about 50 more spearmen, about the same number of swordsmen and some archers (as well as 6 or 7 more Kataphrakts) and Epic Heroes, command groups, a Mumak and such like...

Until next time, which will hopefully be sooner!

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