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Thursday 10 June 2010


Well, here are my 26 Easterlings and I have sprayed them. I got a little distracted with, well, lots of things, unfortunately not Warhammer related. Anyhow, I'm going to go through my painting, step by step. First stage is to undercoat all of the models in Chaos Black. Personally, I prefer to spray them as it's quicker, less boring to do, uses up less of your paint and gives a better surface to paint on. Paints needed: Kommando Khaki, Dwarf Flesh, Chainmail, Chaos Black, Burnished Gold, Chestnut Ink and Graveyard Earth.

The first stage is to paint all of the wood in Kommando Khaki: this includes the bows, arrows and pikes. With the arrows that are in the quiver, it is best to just lightly brush the paint perpendicular to the arrows until you achieve the desired look. It's pretty much drybrushing them. This step is first as it can take a couple of coats to do: if need be, do one coat, then do the next stage and then do the second coat.

Next up, paint all of the skin in Dwarf Flesh. This inlcudes the hands and the the holes int he helmet (as they have a face inside it, after all). Don't worry too much about neatness, excpet around the Kommando Khaki, but don't paint unnecessarily messy.

The next step is the cloth, which is Liche Purple. You'll need to paint the headscarf, which comes around under the neck as well and continues down the back, and the back tabard part, which has a front part between the legs that comes down from a small downwards-pointing triangle with a blob on it. If you need a better picture, the next step should show it at another angle, which may help.

This step is only for the models with shields, but requires a deft hand or simple tidying, which will come soon. Paint Chainmail onto the shield, leaving the square, central blob (correctly, it is a "boss"), the lines running down and the curve at the top. I randomly forgot to paint the diamond that surrounds the boss, but you should (Note: I seem to have rectified this by the time I took the next picture).

This part is just tidying everything up. Chaos Black on everything that hasn't been painted so far that either has plastic showing through or where you've not quite been too tidy. This stage is important because the gold won't come out as well if it isn't on the black and because the cloth that isn't purple will remain black.

At this point, paint all of the armour, including the helmet (but not the holes with skin showing), the weapon heads (the WHOLE sword, the pike-head and the arrowhead), the quiver (holds the arrows) and the black on the shield with Burnished Gold. This may look a bit like drybrushing and you may have better results if you do a few light coats that are drybrushed, but my paint is of a consistency where I had to do two flat coats on the helmets and sword (this includes the handle) and a single coat on the armour.

Just another angle to show you the result and where to paint.

This is the last step of the model itself and is the Chestnut Ink. This goes ONLY on the tips of the weapons, so the arrowhead, the blade (only the blade) of the sword and the head of the pike. If you have difficulty locating this colour, it's because it was run out of production: I fortunately still have loads in my pot, however, those of you that don't have any, you can still buy it from Coat D'Arms (137 - Chestnut Wash).

Here you can see it on the sword blade as well. It looks beautiful on the pikes, when broken apart from the armour by the Kommando Kahki of the pike-handle. Well, in my opinion, anyway.

Lastly, paint the bases in Graveyard Earth (which I need to add another coat of) and, once done, sand or base as you wish (I plan to add sand and maybe paint it, although unsure of this or another route just yet).

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Wednesday 2 June 2010

To continue...

Well, since I decided to keep the last post a little shorter than I could have done, but I will carry on here. Not really very much to add in or update with here, but I had eleven Easterlings still on sprue and today I managed to receive another fifteen on sprues. To save you bothering to count, there are six pikemen (already had six painted, so I now have a company and a half. Anybody that wants to offload some pikemen, I'm ready and willing to take them!), seven swordsmen (already have eleven, so now a total of eighteen, two more than necessary for two companies, although I may dump them into the pikemen formation to bulk it out until I get some more of each) and thirteen (woah!) archers (of which I already have a dozen, so I now have enough for three companies. Although, it'll be two companies and the models to go on a Mumak [which I still need to get], which will replace the Haradrim: anybody want them when I have the funds, you can buy/trade for them ;) ). Anyhow, I have an extra twenty-siz Easterlings still on sprue and I hope to spray them tomorrow, then get to work with painting them. Then, all I will need to play small games of WotR with them is a Fallen realms Epic Hero (Amdur, Lord of Blades or Khamul the Easterling). Until next time!